Beautiful Blogger Award

Hi Yall,
I have been nominated by Stash Matters. I really like her blog and found her through styled with joy. Well, she nominated me for the beautiful blogger award and I really appreciate it.
With with this nomination comes some rules:
The Rules:
• Display the Award logo on your blog.
• Thank the person who nominated you and link back to them.
• Nominate 7 other bloggers and say a little something about them.
• Let them know they have been nominated.

Here are my nominees:
Click on the names to go to each nominee’s site.
1. Beauty Sentinel. I basically window shop her blog since I am on project no buy for the year. I feel like we have similar taste and she gives great product reviews
2. Confessions of a Glutton.Before I fell in love with makeup, I fell in love with food. I come to thins blog to satisfy my cravings for food porn.
3. A Makeup Fiend. I love her. One, we have the same first initial and its E. Second when it comes to lipstick she is my favorite. She also does great full face makeup. Besides her name says it all if you love makeup.
4. GlitterBunnies. She is a fellow Ipsy and Birchbox subscribers. I follow her because I like the variety she has on her personal blog.
5. ThisMagsforyou. I like her as blogger. Her clean, clear photos and face of the days. She is pretty cool.
6.BurymeinRedLipstick. With a title like that who could turn away. I noticed her when her lipstick was very dark. I love dark lipstick, but not as much as red.Her blog is not all about red lipstick.
7.Fashionandstylepolice. Oh, I love to see her in my reader with her who wore it best.She does style and beauty pieces. She is also from the UK. Love her.
Check all these ladies out and continue reading my blog post, I have a lot more in store.
Catch ya later,

About 1reddiva83

I am a makeup -a -holic. Follow me through my journeys of project 10 pans and other projects in my life
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6 Responses to Beautiful Blogger Award

  1. Thanks for the mention! 🙂 Glad you found StashMatters!

  2. Thanks for the mention. I love your blog as well. Keep up the good job.

  3. E. Rich says:

    OMG, I am sooooo late, but thank you so much for the mention! It is also a pleasure for me to read your blog. ❤

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